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    江西专升本 >试题题库 > 历年真题 > 2021年江西专升本考试试卷英语(四)


    2021-04-25 16:09:26    来源:江西专升本    点击:





      Have a great interest in the oceans? Now you can follow Blue Planet II and take a journey to the Earth's oceans. Blue Planet II is a British nature documentary series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit.

      “I am truly excited to be joining this new exploration of the underwater world , which covers most of our planet." says 91-year-old Sir David Attenborough, the father of natural history TV, who returns as the teller, “The oceans are the most exciting place to be right now. because new scientific discoveries have given us new world of life underwater."

      The BBC spent four years filming on every continent and in every ocean. I will take you to the deepest but least known parts of our planet. I's said that 95% of the world's oceans are unknown. You will be surprised at seeing a dolphin spitting water, a fish that uses,tools, and a hairy Hoff crab. The documentary will also take a close 1ook at underwater volcanoes(火山)。

      However, you'll feel sad when you see these scenes: mother dolphins feeding their babies with dirt through their milk; man made noise drowning out the natural sounds, which animals use to communicate. Many creatures are trying hard for their lives.

      Blue Planet II not only provides us with a great chance to enjoy sea animals, but also reminds us that this is the right moment for the health of the world's oceans.

      51. Blue Planet II is a documentary series about______.

      A. Sounds B. oceansC. ColorsD. tools

      52. Who is Sir David Attenborough?

      A. The reporter of the BBC.B. The manager of the BBC.

      C. The teller of a news program.D. The father of natural history TV.

      53. It is reported that we only know____of the worlds oceans.

      A. 5%B. 91%C. 95%D.100%

      54. What does the fourth paragraph imply?

      A Animals can communicate with each other easily.

      B. Natural sounds drown out man made noise.

      C. Mother dolphins feed their babies with din<

      D. Human beings are polluting oceans.

      55. What does Blue Planet II remind us to do?

      A. To protect oceansB. To enjoy a relaxing life.

      C. To explore forests.D. To travel all over the world.


      The idea of renting clothes might seem strange to some, but it's certainly not unheard of. Weddings, formal occasions, a fancy-dress party .. people rent clothes for these occasions all the time. But now some people are also renting clothes for everyday life, like friend gatherings, family trips or anytime they don't want to be the same, they choose to rent clothes instead of buying them.

      As we know, the whole idea behind Fast Fashion is to wear clothes two or three times and then throw them away. This is where renting makes more sense. Many businesses have shown up over the last few years offering customers some kinds of dresses, which would only be voguish for one season. This way, one dress can be rented and worn by dozens of people, stopping each person from buying it themselves.

      With a recent study showing that half of the young women polled said they felt the need to wear a different look every time they went out, renting clothes might just be the answer to the Fast Fashion problem. Not only can renting clothes be better for the environment, but consumers can also save money, and open up space in their home.

      56. What is the Dew trend in renting clothes nowadays?

      A. Renting, for weddings.B. Renting for daily life.

      C. Renting for formal occasions.D. Renting for fancy, dress parties.

      57. What does the underlined word "drive" mean in the second paragraph?

      A. A journey.B. A vehicle. C. An effortD. A hit.

      58. What is the problem of longer-lasting clothes?

      A. Difficult to clean.

      B. Hard to last for a long time.

      C.Unfriendly to the environment.

      D. Unpopular with some customers.

      【结尾】以上是2021年江西专升本考试试卷英语(四)的相关内容, 关注江西专升本网,您就能获取到江西统招专升本资讯、专升本政策、考试大纲、统招报名、升本常见问题等,加入江西专升本交流群、扫码关注江西专升本之家微信公众号,与老师同学一起交流升本上岸吧。







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